Common food additives-sodium glutamate

Look at the ingredient label of any food in the kitchen pantry. You will most likely find food additives.
They are used to enhance the flavor, appearance or texture of the product, or to extend its shelf life.
Some of these substances are related to poor health and should be avoided, while others are safe and can be consumed with minimal risk.
Sodium glutamate (MSG) is a commonly used food additive to enhance and enhance the flavor of salty dishes.
It is found in various processed foods such as frozen dinners, savory snacks and canned soups. It is also often added to food in restaurants and fast food restaurants.
Since research on mice in 1969 found that a large number of harmful nervous system effects and impaired growth and development, MSG has been the subject of intense debate.
However, this additive may have little effect on human brain health because it cannot cross the blood-brain barrier.
In some observational studies, MSG consumption is also associated with weight gain and metabolic syndrome, although other studies have not found a correlation.
Having said that, some people do have sensitivity to MSG and may experience headaches, sweating, and numbness after eating large amounts of food.
In one study, 61 people who reported being sensitive to MSG were given 5 grams of MSG or a placebo.
Interestingly, 36% of people had an adverse reaction to MSG, while only 25% reported a response to placebo, so the sensitivity of MSG may be a reasonable concern for some people.
If you experience any negative side effects after taking MSG, it is best to exclude them from your diet.
Otherwise, if you can tolerate MSG, you can drink it safely without adverse side effects.