Treat food additives correctly

(1) The role of food additives

Reasonable use of food additives can prevent food spoilage, maintain or enhance food nutrition, improve or enrich the color, aroma, and taste of food.

(2) The necessity of using food additives

In fact, no preservatives are more dangerous, because spoiled foods often cause food poisoning diseases. In addition, in addition to preventing food spoilage, preservatives can also kill toxin-producing microorganisms such as aspergillus bacteria, which is undoubtedly beneficial to human health.

(3) Safe dosage of food additives

The amount of food additives that do not have any toxic or adverse effects on health is expressed in terms of the mass per mg per day (mg), refer to

GB 2760-2011 National Food Safety Standard Standard for the use of food additives.

(4) No toxic additives


"Hangbai block" is sodium formaldehyde bisulfite, also called suspending white powder hanging white block, the chemical formula is NaHSO2 · CH2O · 2H2O. It is produced by the reaction of zinc powder with sulfur dioxide to produce low sulfurous acid, etc., and then reacted with formaldehyde, concentrated in a vacuum evaporator and condensed into a block. "Hanging white block" is white block or crystalline powder, soluble in water. It is stable at normal temperature, decomposes sulfurous acid at high temperature, and has strong reducing ability, so it has bleaching effect. It begins to decompose into harmful substances above 80 ℃. The chemical equation of the reaction is:


6NaHSO2 · CH2O · 2H2O + 3H2O = 4NaHSO3 + 2HCOONa + HCOOH + 2H2O + 3CH3OH


Decomposes to formaldehyde at 110 ℃, the reaction equation is:




NaHSO2 + H2O = NaHSO3 + 2 "H"


It can cause fever, headache, fatigue, loss of appetite, etc. A one-time consumption of 10g will be life-threatening. "Hanging white block" is mainly used in printing and dyeing industry as a dyeing agent and reducing agent. Its bleaching and antiseptic effects are more obvious.
