Uses of Sodium Benzoate CAS 532-32-1

1. Mainly used as food preservatives, also used to make medicines, dyes, etc.

2. It is used in the pharmaceutical industry and plant genetic research, as well as dye intermediates and fungicides.

3. Sodium Benzoate CAS 532-32-1 is also an important acid-type food preservative. Converts to the effective form benzoic acid on use. Please refer to benzoic acid for usage range and usage amount.

4. This product is used as food additives (preservatives), plasticizers in plastics industry, and as intermediates in organic synthesis such as spices.

5. Used as a cosolvent for serum bilirubin test, food additive (preservative), mordant in dye industry, plasticizer in plastic industry.

Application limitations of Sodium Benzoate CAS 532-32-1:


The acute toxicity of Sodium Benzoate CAS 532-32-1 is less, and the maximum non-effect dose (MNL) of animals is 500 mg/kg body weight. However, it can be converted into highly toxic benzoic acid in the acidic environment of the human intestinal tract. Ingestion of benzoic acid and its sodium salt in mice can cause weight loss, diarrhea, bleeding, paralysis and even death. The toxicity of benzoic acid is achieved by changing the permeability of the cell membrane, inhibiting the absorption of amino acids by the cell membrane, and inhibiting the activity of enzymes such as lipase through the cell membrane, which is achieved by blocking the synthesis of ATP.

Toxicity comparison

Secondly, let's compare the toxicity of benzoic acid, Sodium Benzoate CAS 532-32-1 and sorbic acid. Table 2 shows the LD, ADI, maximum usage and price comparison of several common food additives. It can be seen that the toxicity of sorbic acid and potassium sorbate is less than that of benzoic acid, and the antiseptic effect is better than that of Sodium Benzoate CAS 532-32-1, which is safer. The advantages of benzoic acid and Sodium Benzoate CAS 532-32-1 are that they are relatively stable in the air and have a lower cost.